Mega Puzzle are constructive educational game. The kit consists of cardboard packaging and plastic puzzles that are interconnected by folding...
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Mosaic Alphabet is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pin and cardboard boxes. The pins are...
Mosaic letters is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pin and cardboard boxes. The pins are...
Mosaic numbers is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pin and cardboard boxes. The pins are...
Mosaic M15 is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pin and cardboard boxes. The pins are...
Mosaic M10 is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pin and cardboard boxes. The pins are...
Mosaic M5 is constructive educational toy. Set consists of a plastic table, plastic pins and cardboard boxes. Pins are produced...
Abacus is an educational plastic toy designed for basic mathematical operations. It consists of a two plastic elements, interconnected by...
Eko trka is a social game for 2 to 4 players. Set consists of a table for playing, cards, dice...